Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"M'yow, meowww, meOWWW. Meow, mrwou, maaAAHHHHHH."

That is approximately what I just said to Angus, my skinny, neurotic, Vulcan cat. He was sitting outside my office babbling non-stop, and the only thing that seems to appease him is for me to reply in his own language. Today, for whatever reason, I needed to meow much longer than usual and walk around the house while I did it. But finally, thankfully, he's quiet. Meanwhile, Finch, the bulky, chill cat slept through Angus's cries, but curiosity woke him when I started meowing. Now he's back on the chair next to mine, cleaning himself up a little before he curls up for another nap.

Friday, July 6, 2007

"Unsolicited Advice is Always Self-Serving"

- Dr. Dan Gottlieb, host of WHYY's "Voices in the Family" in an interview with Terry Gross on "Fresh Air"

I think everyone should give this statement careful thought.

(irony intended.)