Friday, August 17, 2007

Easter Eggs

Why? Why do people color on eggs for Easter? I'm sure I could google the answer, but I don't have time right now.

It's weird (and gross) that people eat eggs to begin with. How and why did someone decide to decorate them?

Hmm.. that gives me an idea. But I'm not telling.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"M'yow, meowww, meOWWW. Meow, mrwou, maaAAHHHHHH."

That is approximately what I just said to Angus, my skinny, neurotic, Vulcan cat. He was sitting outside my office babbling non-stop, and the only thing that seems to appease him is for me to reply in his own language. Today, for whatever reason, I needed to meow much longer than usual and walk around the house while I did it. But finally, thankfully, he's quiet. Meanwhile, Finch, the bulky, chill cat slept through Angus's cries, but curiosity woke him when I started meowing. Now he's back on the chair next to mine, cleaning himself up a little before he curls up for another nap.

Friday, July 6, 2007

"Unsolicited Advice is Always Self-Serving"

- Dr. Dan Gottlieb, host of WHYY's "Voices in the Family" in an interview with Terry Gross on "Fresh Air"

I think everyone should give this statement careful thought.

(irony intended.)

Friday, June 8, 2007

"What happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic"

- Ira Flatow, today on NPR's Talk of the Nation Science Friday. The topic is the effects of climate change on Alaska.

Unfortunately I can't pay close attention to the show because I have work to do that requires concentration. But it's on the background, and when I get up from my desk and walk around, or if I shift my mental focus to the radio, I hear bits of the story, like intermittent traffic passing through my brain.

Since writing this, I've started listening, and I think listening to this show is probably more important than the work I'm doing. Although I won't get paid for listening to it.

On a side note, Science Friday is a great show. It's on every Friday (go figure), and it's a two-hour show, not a one-hour show. I mention that because the one station I get it on only plays the first hour, so for a time, I didn't know it was two hours long.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How do weeds always match the wanted plants they grow near?

Seriously, how do they do it? The weeds next to the tomato plants look like tomato plants. The weeds next to the carrots look like carrots.

I can't believe I'm blogging

First of all, I can't stand the word "blog." It's yucky and stupid.

Secondly, I am fully aware of my own insignificance in the world, and am ashamed at my narcissism.

Third, I am even more aware of everyone else's insignificance in the world, and am appalled at their nacissism.

Fourth, I am fully cognizant of the hypocrisy in my last two statements.

Finally, why do you care???